57 research outputs found

    A Sustainable Approach for Organisational using Strategic Management

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    Strategic management have gained popularity in the public institutions to foster good delivery service to the public. The strategic planning enables organizations to establish a strategic match between the internal competency, resources and external environment. Majority of the successful organizations across the world use strategic management and planning as a tool that enables to optimize the operations and achieve maximum productivity with the resources. This paper reviewed on strategic management for organisations in Abu Dhabi especially for Abu Dhabi Police (ADP) force.  It presents three strategic management theories which can be adopted by an organisation.  This would help the organisation such as police department to reduce the increasing crime rate and mortality rate in UAE

    Assessing the Effects of ‘Stand-alone’ Structuration of Land Administration System on Urban Land Delivery and Accessibility in Nigeria

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    Известно, что производительность и эффективность системы управления земельными ресурсами зависит от очень многих факторов, возможно, главным из которых, является степень взаимности, согласованности и би-направленности взаимосвязи, которая существует между различными субъектами, обремененными собственными регуляторно-административными механизмами, которые ставят ряд задач. Несомненно, это простое ведение дел приводит к формальному распределению земельных участков и, следовательно, повышает доступность городских земель для нескольких категорий пользователей в Нигерии, так как этом случае делается во всем мире. Тем не менее, эти взаимосвязи отсутствуют в управлении земельными ресурсами и системе регулирования в Нигерии. Таким образом, данное исследование намерено оценить прямые и возможные косвенные последствия, которые эти взаимосвязи оказывают на формальную передачу и доступность городских земель в Нигерии.Во-первых, это было сделано, формулируя вопросы, связанные с данной проблемой и калибруя их в концепции, а затем оценивая их с помощью следующих оценочных карт, а именно: миопизм, неизобретательность, ущерб, эко-финансовые потери, недоверие, травмы, антирост, смерть, искажение рынка и процветающая неформализация в Юго-Западной Нигерии. Из общего числа 586 лиц, рассматриваемых в качестве среднестатистического населения для выбранного для опроса района, 120 респондентам были предложены структурированные опросники для регуляторов земельных вопросов, земельных администраторов, независимых земельных консультантов и непосредственных пользователей земельных участков для того, чтобы сформировать честное и широкое представление о вопросах, связанных с дилеммой доступности земли. Было получено 93 анкеты, из которых 87 были признаны действительными, и, таким образом, легли в основу сделанного анализа, с акцентом на 5-бальной шкале Лайкерта с помощью умозаключений и описательных статистических инструментов. Результаты исследования показали, среди прочего, что трения в отношениях привели к необоснованному отбрасыванию ролей, что негативно влияет на темпы доставки, и одновременно приводит к перекосам на пути к формальному доступу к городским землям для различных категорий землепользователей. Среди рекомендаций следующие: государственные формальные земельные органы должны быть перенастроены для создания синергии, которая порождает положительную взаимосвязь и синхронизацию ролей в направлении улучшения формальной передачи земли и ее доступности в Нигерии.The efficiency and effectiveness of land administration system had been acknowledged to be premised on so many factors, arguably the chief of which, is the degree of mutuality, frictionlessness and bi-directionality in the interrelationship that exist amongst the various factors that are discharging arrays of tasks that these formal lands regulo-administrative machineries are saddled with. Undoubtedly, this simple conduct of affairs resultantly drives the formal lands delivery, hence it increases accessibility to urban lands by several categories of users in Nigeria, as thus the case globally. However, these interrelationships are absent among land administration and regulation systems in Nigeria. Hence, this study intends to assess the direct and possible indirect impacts that these interrelationships fallouts have on the formal delivery and accessibility of urban lands in Nigeria, Firstly, this was done by articulating the issues involved and calibrating them into constructs, then measuring them via the following score-cards, thus: myopism, non-ingenuity, disservice, eco-financial loss, distrust, trauma, anti-growth, death, market distortion and thriving informalisation focussing on the South Western Nigeria. Out of the total 586 individuals considered as the total population for the sample space, 120 individual qualified for the sample frame, upon which the structured questionnaires were distributed among land regulators, land administrators, independent land consultants and ultimate land users, essentially to have a fair and broad view of the issues inherent in this lands accessibility dilemma. 93 questionnaires were retrieved, out of which 87 questionnaires were valid, thus formed the basis upon which analyses were done, with emphasis on the 5 point Likert scale measurement usage, via both inferential and descriptive statistical tools. The results showed amongst other things, that unbridled relationship frictions had led to unwarranted role jettisoning and this impacts adversely on the delivery pace which concomitantly warps formal pathway to accessing urban lands by various categories of land users. Among the recommendations are that government formal land agencies should be re-configured to build synergy that engenders positive interrelationship and role synchronisation towards improved formal land delivery and accessibility in Nigeria

    Attributes of mobile technology adoption acceptance from users perspective

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    The most significant challenge associated with the operationalization of user-based technology emerged as technology acceptance among the public. This study aims to investigate the challenges in mobile technology adoption in the Abu Dhabi Emirate by identifying 52 factors that motivate users to adopt mobile technology across a broad spectrum. These factors were clustered into six categories namely Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) User Experience (UE) Attitude (ATT), Customer Satisfaction Excellence (CSE) Perceived Usefulness (PU) and Intention to Use (INU). The data was collected through 396 questionnaires to gauge the perception of the public. The data was analysed statistically and found that all of the categories have Cronbach Alpha values greater than 0.7 which indicate that the data was reliable and consistent. The data was also assessed for its normality and found that the skewness and kurtosis values were in the range of normal distribution. For ranking analysis, it was found that the three most common categories considered by respondents when using any technology is Perceived Ease of Use. User experience is the second most important driving respondents' use of technology. This is followed by the user's attitude, which is what drives the adoption of any technology. This findings help the new technology providers to understand the acceptance patterns of the users


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    There appears to be a constantly incontrovertible, yet delicately inseparable cord, between land resource as an all-time invaluable asset, and meaningful socio-economic growth and development. Much as this assertion holds, what enigmatically remains almost unsolvable is the seeming unending mystery that surrounds ‘wilful’ prevention of access to this very non-substitutable resource, in spite of its tangentiality to virtually all endeavours, around which the survival of all human beings revolves. Thence, it is compellingly tempting to reason that, some ‘unseen’ factors are decidedly making the delivery and accessibility of land, especially within urban milieu, extremely difficult, so much that, enviable growth and development might be so perennially elusive, particularly to the poor segment of the populace, which unfortunately forms the largest proportion of any country’s citizenry, Nigeria inclusive. Although, the trend facades itself to be solely caused by economic and other attendant pecuniary factors, but as all the economically-defined strategies seem not too effective over the years, to finally nail several challenges associated with formal land delivery and accessibility; it behoves upon researchers and policy-makers alike, to look beyond the ordinary. Hence, the demystification exercise such as this, which is geared towards unravelling this mystery, reveals more factors that are indeed non-pecuniary, this is the crux of this study. Therefore, this study, which is part of a doctoral research, pre-empirically via literature reviews and two pilot surveys, generated those not-so-suspected non-pecuniary factors that are considered as retardants to the formal delivery and accessibility of urban lands in Nigeria. These retardants are then catalogued and coined into one major determinant variable, which is called policy development and compliance engineering (PDCE) for ease of empirical exercise that was to follow later, as well as for the understanding by all would-be stakeholders. This major determinant variable is then being measured by other three latent constructs, which are calibrated to encompass some integral items of questions as their evaluative components; these constructs are named policy relevance and appropriateness (PRA), contents and context of policies (CCP) and role mediation regime (RMR). Hence, out of the total of 2408 respondents as total sample space, 850 respondents were qualified as the sample frame, from where a total of 450 respondents were considered for the sample size, upon which well structure questionnaires of 5point Likert scale type were administered among career land officers and tenured land regulators in the MDAs, independent land consultants and NGOs with shelter mandate, as well as various categories of land users and developers. After through normality and reliability tests on the 427 retrieved questionnaires, only 11 were considered invalid and thus rejected. Therefore, the remaining 416 questionnaires that were valid went through AMOS’ version 18 software for Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) analyses. The results showed amongst other things that among the three major constituting retardants of formal land delivery and accessibility, contents and context of policies has the highest regression via its estimate of 0.26 with critical ratio of 4.86, which thus makes it to be the greatest among the policy development and compliance engineering constructs, as contributor of retardation upon the propensity of formal lands’ regulo-administrative machineries to efficiently deliver lands for optimum accessibility by the land users and developers. Among other recommendations to address this pathetic scenario, are that the government should strive and ‘nigerianise’ all or very many important provisions of all the relevant land policy instruments, etc.  Article visualizations

    Motivation towards homestay entrepreneurs : case study in the state of Johor

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    Malaysia is one of the fastest growing countries in Asia. Nowadays, Malaysia is well known as eco-tourism as it is endowed with rich natural heritage, and state of Johor has been ranked as third in tourism destinations after Kuala Lumpur and Penang. The growth of Johor's tourism industry has caused the high demand for homestay tourism product. Currently, there are 140 homestay wih227 villages throughout Malaysia with total of 3,264 houses offering 4,463 rooms until June 2009. This numbers is forecasted to be increased in the future. The focus of this paper was to identify the motivation factors that encourage the growing numbers of homestay entrepreneur particularly in the state of Johor, as well as the barriers that constraint them in managing homestay business. The findings of this paper were based on the questionnaires and series of interviews conducted along the research process. The respondents participated in this study were homestay entrepreneurs including homestay coordinators and homestay operators. The findings identified that the homestay entrepreneurs in the State of Johore were highly motivated by internal factors to involve in the homestay business, even though they have facing many challenges and problems in managing the homestay business. This results will be benefitted to the homestay entrepreneurs to improve and enhancing the homestay business in futur

    The status of river water quality in some rural areas, in state of Johor and its effects to life

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    Water is a basic requirement of human and other life. Water resources stems from rivers, streams, drains, ponds and so forth. The river is the natural water resources are very important for a human habitat. Malaysian water quality assessment is determined by the water quality Index (IKA) issued by the Department of environment (DOE) based on class I, II, III and IV. Now a water pollution also occurs in rural areas has affected the water quality and marine life. The objective of this writing is to determine river water quality in rural areas based on IKA. Kajian telah dijalankan di beberapa batang sungai di kawasan luar bandar di negeri Johor bermula dari bulan Februari sehingga April 2015. Water quality sampling was done three times in four different study locations. Determination of water quality involves measurement parameters pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammoniacal nitrogen (AN) and suspended solids (SS). The Measurements are made IKA the total calculated and used to classify the river either as untainted, slightly polluted moderately polluted, contaminated and polluted. The study found the status of three rivers polluted level contaminated (class IV) and a river are classified at the level of medium-polluted (class III). Deterioration of the status of IKA for all rivers surveyed not only affects marine life, even limiting water use to humans, for example, to daily activities

    Cabaran dan Dilema Habitat Manusia Di Bandar: Penerapan Konsep Daya Huni (Livability) dan Pembangunan Lestari Untuk Kesejahteraan Hidup: Challenge and Dilemma of Human Habitat in Urban Areas: Applying the Concept of Livability and Sustainable Development for Well-being

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    Abstrak: Masyarakat Malaysia pada hari ini menghadapi pelbagai cabaran dalam meneruskan kelangsungan hidup di bandar. Isu utama yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat bandar pada hari ini adalah dilema pembangunan yang pesat, tidak lestari dan kos sara hidup yang tinggi merupakan cabaran yang terpaksa dihadapi oleh masyarakat terutamanya yang tinggal di bandar-bandar besar. Oleh yang demikian, objektif pertama kajian ini adalah mengenalpasti cabaran dan dilema habitat manusia di bandar dan objektif kedua adalah menentukan kesesuaian konsep daya huni bandar untuk kelestarian penduduk. Metodologi kajian ini menggunakan kaedah analisis kandungan berdasarkan kajian literature. Hasil daripada analisis kandungan, kajian mendapati bahawa terdapat banyak cabaran dan dilema yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat bandar pada hari ini iaitu pertambahan jumlah penduduk, kemusnahan habitat bandar, bencana banjir, peningkatan sisa pepejal, zon pinggir pantai yang terancam dan masalah kesihatan. Oleh yang demikian, kesesuaian konsep daya huni bandar mula digunapakai secara meluas dalam kalangan sarjana bagi menggambarkan tempat tinggal manusia yang lebih lestari. Konsep daya huni dan pembangunan lestari boleh digembelingkan kerana kedua-dua konsep mempunyai perkaitan dan saling melengkapi antara satu sama lain. Apabila sesebuah habitat itu berdaya huni maka pembangunan kelestarian juga terangkum di dalamnya. Penulisan artikel ini mengupas cabaran dan dilema yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat bandar dari pelbagai aspek dan cuba menggarapkan dengan konsep daya huni yang diperkenalkan oleh sarjana yang menekankan aspek daya huni dan kelestarian bandar. Diharapkan penulisan ini dapat memberi pemahaman yang jelas kepada masyarakat dan pihak berkepentingan lain dalam melestarikan kehidupan di bandar pada masa-masa akan datang.   Abstract: Malaysian society today faces various challenges in continuing to survive in the city. The main issue facing the urban community today is the dilemma of rapid, unsustainable development and the high cost of living is a challenge that the community has to face, especially those living in big cities. Therefore, the first objective of this study is to identify the challenges and dilemmas of human habitat in the city and the second objective is to determine the suitability of the concept of urban habitability for the sustainability of the population. The methodology of this study uses the content analysis method based on the literature review. As a result of the content analysis, the study found that there are many challenges and dilemmas faced by urban communities today, namely the increase in population, the destruction of urban habitats, flood disasters, increased solid waste, endangered coastal zones and health problems. Therefore, the appropriateness of the concept of urban habitability began to be widely used among scholars to describe a more sustainable human habitat. The concepts of habitability and sustainable development can be combined because both concepts are related and complement each other. When a habitat is inhabited then sustainable development is also included in it. The writing of this article examines the challenges and dilemmas faced by urban communities from various aspects and tries to work with the concept of habitability introduced by scholars who emphasize aspects of habitability and urban sustainability. It is hoped that this writing can provide a clear understanding to the community and other stakeholders in preserving life in the city in the future.

    The development of a university in a rural area-its impact towards property development

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    Development of a public university in a rural area have resulted to several changes such as population growth, demographic changes as well as an in. creasing demand for properties. This research aims to review the demand for residential property development in Parit Raja after development of UTHM as well as to analyse the future demand for residential property development in Parit Raja. The research is carried out within the Parit Raja area, for year 2006-2018. The research adopted quantitative approach by using observation and document review. A mathematical calculation known as Moving Average of order 2, MA (2) and order 3, MA (3) were used to forecast future demand. The results show that the demand for residential property development has increased since development of the university. However, the trend does not sustain for a long run. Moreover, the future demand for residential property development is forecasted to fluctuate due to several reasons. Therefore, this result will help an investor to decide whether to participate in the development in Parit Raja or not in future as well as to establish the UTHM brand's as one of the prominent education provider in Malaysia

    Strategic Management Indicators for Sustainable Road Traffic Management

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    Human is very critical and important asset of any nation. Human security is the prime need. Also, at organizational level, the business success depends on the human efficiency. Hence, strategic management is very important to achieve effective performance. This paper assessed various indicators and attributes of strategic management. However, the limitation of this study was to focus on strategic management used in traffic management used by public security sector of Abu Dhabi. Evaluation involved 29 common attributes of strategic management identified from literature. These were categorized into five indicators as learning & training; traffic setting; emergency response; road engineering & vehicle safety; and strategies being enforced. Analysis of the data collected through Questionnaire survey with officials involved in traffic management was done with mean score method. Results of the analysis showed that review and develop a driver training program and licensing mechanism is the top ranked attribute in the domain of learning & training. The respondents highlighted effective traffic control in pedestrian and cyclist safety areas and seatbelts as very useful in the indicator traffic setting. Top indicators in the indicator emergency response are development of effective systems for geographical positioning of traffic accidents, and spreading a culture of prioritising emergency vehicles in emergency situations. Develop an integrated traffic safety management system (ITSMS) is the most useful attribute related to road engineering & vehicle safety indicator. While in the indicator strategies being enforced, the respondents mentioned that the attribute at top rank is developing smart traffic settings to minimize the accidents

    The Importance of Feng Shui Influence on the Housing Selection Among the Chinese in Generation Y: A Study on the Developers' Perceptions

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    Feng shui, an element that has been associated with success, wealth, and harmony, is often considered the key factor for the decision-making of housing purchase among the Chinese in Malaysia. Nevertheless, property developers often overlooked this factor, resulting in a gap between consumers' expectations and developers' perceptions, which could lead to customers' dissatisfaction. This study was carried out to identify the importance of feng shui theory towards housing development, determine the influence of feng shui factors in housing selection, and examine the perceptions of developers towards feng Shui factors in residential property. This paper adopted a qualitative approach by employing the interviewing technique. This study was conducted within a selected residential area in Sungai Petani, Kedah and the respondents were the Generation Y within the Chinese group. The results show that most of the developers believed that only rich and famous people are concerned about the feng shui element in selecting a residential property. Besides that, the construction of a housing project has to consider many factors prior the completion, including the multiracial customers as the potential buyers. Hence, it is not practical to consider the feng shui element for each person